The1994 Miami Summit of the Americas initiated the process of setting up a free trade area agreement. 1994年南北美洲的迈阿密峰会启动了建立自由贸易区协议这一进程。
Biotechnology could be an area of agreement, writes Cherry, with a report on priorities for research and biosafety measures up for discussion. 切里报道,生物技术可能是一个能达成一致意见的领域,目前已经有一份报告正在讨论中,它确定了优先研究内容和生物多样性措施。
We were the first to start the process of establishing a free trade area and have signed the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN. 我们曾是第一个开始建立自由贸易领域进程的,并且中国和东盟已经签署了全面经济合作框架协议。
One area of agreement has been over the British monarchy. 该联邦协议的其中一部分内容是关于英国君主制。
It created profound astonishment, and wild rumours were current. A group of residents in the area had an agreement which was becoming widespread. 它使人们感到极其惊诧,千奇百怪的谣言不胫而走。这个居民区的一些居民达成一项不胫而走的协议。
The area is one of the least accessed area in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol that part of the border. 该地区是世界上人迹罕至的区域之一,按照协议,两国不在部分边境巡逻。
The political obstacles to co-ordinating a solution that keeps the euro area intact may seem insuperable, but getting agreement for a planned ejection of five countries would be even more daunting. 要协商出一份能使欧元区毫发无损的计划有着不可逾越的政治障碍,但各国若要就五国有计划地退出达成一致意见,该任务则更为艰巨。
Goods are shipped to Turkey or the rest of the Middle East through the customs-free greater Arab Free Trade Area Agreement. 所生产商品通过免税的大阿拉伯自由贸易区协议,销往土耳其或其他中东国家。
A group of residents in the area had an agreement which was becoming widespread. 这个居民区的一些居民达成一项不胫而走的协议。
The one area of agreement among this group was that traditional databases don't work well in a scalable cloud environment. 这些公司达成了一项共识,传统的数据库在可扩展的云环境中无法有效工作。
Moreover, the convex area is well corresponding to the Underground hot vortex while the concave area is in good agreement with Underground cold vortex, which strongly supports the conceptual model indicating the couple between the earth and the atmosphere proposed in Reference 8. 另外,地凸区与地热涡,地凹区与地冷涡有很好的对应,此结果支持了文献〔8〕提出的地气耦合的概念模式。
China and Australia started the founding of their Free Trade Area ( FTA) in Oct. 2003, by subscribed the Agreement of Trade and Economy Framework. 2003年10月,中澳两国签订了《贸易经济框架协议》,正式启动建立中国&澳大利亚自由贸易区的进程。
Statistical tests show that the heat flow values in the area are not in good agreement with the thickness of GHSZ, because the correlation coefficient is0.12. 统计分析表明本区热流值与水合物稳定带厚度相关性很差,相关系数仅有0·12。
At the same time, with continuous increase of load, the requirement of different control area is diversity. The area electric network must make an agreement about tie line transmitted power considering the stability and economy. 同时,随着用电负荷的持续增加,各控制区域负荷的需求各异,区域电网间出于各自稳定性和经济性的需求,必须协议联络线传输的功率值。
Its focal area is decided and it is in good agreement with experimental results. 从理论上计算了辐射声压在轴向上的分布曲线,进而确定了焦区位置,理论分析与实验结果符合较好。
The value of the emission area calculated by the F-N theory is in agreement with that obtained from the TEM observation in the order of magnitude. 根据F-N理论算得的场发射面积与TEM下观察到的突起的面积在量级上一致。
The third is whether there is a business tradition in the area or a new common agreement to it has been made. 三是该地区是否有经商的传统或形成了新的共识。
Controller Area Network ( CAN) is introduced with its agreement, composition, construction, high reliability, CAN's real time error-test function, error-correction, hardware implemention methods and comparisons with other serial network buses. 介绍了CAN总线的协议、组成、结构及其具有的高度可靠性,完善的实时查错、纠错功能,物理层实现方法;并与其它串行网络总线进行了性能比较。
From these results we interpreted the unknown area and got a good agreement with other geophysical methods. 依此对未知区进行了推断,结果与其它物探方法吻合较好。
The hail disaster area increased gradually also over the whole province, basically in agreement with the tendency of the hail disaster occurrence frequency. 雹灾面积也呈逐年上升的趋势,与全省雹灾发生频数的变化趋势基本一致;
In our country, both academic and practical area came to an agreement as to establish the Honesty Principle in the Civil Suit Law, but only remained in the superficial level. 目前我国理论界和实务界对民事诉讼法中应当确立诚实信用原则已达成了共识,但对如何在民事诉讼中确立这一原则并没有进行深入研究。
The polished length, the thickness of the remained cladding of side-polished fiber, and the refractive index ( RI) of polymer covered on the polished area were measured. The simulation results are agreement with the experiment results. 分析测量了光纤抛磨长度、剩余包层厚度及抛磨区涂覆的聚合物折射率这三个参数对抛边抛磨光纤的光功率传输特性的影响,实验结果与仿真结果相吻合。
The regional economies integration theory may explain the reason why the CAFTA could emergence and development. The theory mainly includes the Customs union theory, the free-trade area theory, theory of leading market, and the agreement division of labor theory. 区域经济一体化理论可以解释CAFTA产生和发展的原因,其中主要包括关税同盟理论、自由贸易区理论、大市场理论、协议性分工理论。
The first part is "The general analysis of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area", which introduces some of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement background, significance, characteristics and main content. 第一部分中国东盟自由贸易区争端解决机制的一般分析,该部分主要介绍了中国东盟自由贸易区争端解决机制协议的产生背景、意义、特点及主要内容。
In 2001, China and ten ASEAN countries agreed to establish China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA) in ten years, and signed a framework agreement of China-ASEAN overall economic cooperation in November 2002. 2001年,中国和东盟十国一致同意在十年内建立中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA),并于2002年11月正式签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》。
Although the government of China and Korea advance to establish the Sino-Korea Free Trade Area, they have not reached any effective agreement. 中国和韩国虽然从2002年开始就实现两国自由贸易区进行磋商,磋商的重点领域是农业和制造业,但是至今还未达成有效的协议。
Survival time in the network, routing algorithm compared to other chain can improve at least about 2% to 47%; in particular, the scope of the monitoring area is large, the more is revealed HCRP energy efficiency agreement. 而在网络生存时间上,相较于其它链式路由算法至少可提升约2%-47%;尤其在监测面积范围较大时,越能显现出HCRP协议的节能效率。
Under the framework of the Free Trade Area which has the largest population, the Service Trade Agreement, signed by China and ASEAN will bring the opportunities to the development of service trade in the region, as well as the challenges. 在这个拥有世界上最多人口的自贸区框架下,中国与东盟签署的《服务贸易协议》将为区域内服务贸易的发展带来机遇和挑战。
With the signing of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area framework for cooperation and the Agreement on Services Trade in the recent years, there are great opportunities for the development of bilateral economy between CAFTA. 进入新世纪以来,中国&东盟自由贸易区的合作框架及服务贸易协定的签订和实施,给双边的经济带来了新的发展契机。